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2023 Report Unknown
THE D.3.2.1 - AA@THE User needs, technical requirements and specifications
Pratali L., Campana M. G., Delmastro F., Di Martino F., Pescosolido L., Barsocchi P., Broccia G., Ciancia V., Gennaro C., Girolami M., Lagani G., La Rosa D., Latella D., Magrini M., Manca M., Massink M., Mattioli A., Moroni D., Palumbo F., Paradisi P., Paternò F., Santoro C., Sebastiani L., Vairo C.
Deliverable D3.2.1 del progetto PNRR Ecosistemi ed innovazione - THESource: ISTI Project Report, THE, D3.2, 2023

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2023 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Morning naps architecture and mentation recall complexity
Sebastiani L., Barcaro U., Paradisi P., Frumento P., Faraguna U.
Mentation reports were collected after spontaneous awakenings from morning naps in 18 healthy participants, and associations between sleep stages duration and complexity of recalled mentation were investigated. Participants were continuously recorded with polysomnography and allowed to sleep for a maximum of 2 hr. Mentation reports were classified according to both their complexity (1-6 scale) and their perceived timing of occurrence (Recent or Previous Mentation with respect to the final awakening). The results showed a good level of mentation recall, including different types of mentation with lab-related stimuli. N1 + N2 duration was positively related to the complexity of Previous Mentation recall, while rapid eye movement sleep duration was negatively related. This suggests that the recall of complex mentation, such as dreaming with a plot, occurring far from awakening may depend on the length of N1 + N2. However, the duration of sleep stages did not predict the complexity of Recent Mentation recall. Nevertheless, 80% of participants who recalled Recent Mentation had a rapid eye movement sleep episode. Half of the participants reported incorporating lab-related stimuli in their mentation, which positively correlated with both N1 + N2 and rapid eye movement duration. In conclusion, nap sleep architecture is informative about the complexity of dreams perceived as having occurred early during the sleep episode, but not about those perceived as recent.Source: Journal of sleep research (Print) 32 (2023): e13915-1–e13915-10. doi:10.1111/jsr.13915
DOI: 10.1111/jsr.13915

See at: Journal of Sleep Research Open Access | onlinelibrary.wiley.com Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2023 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Changes over the night in REM-sleep microstructure. A hypothesis of similarity to changes in dream features reported in the literature
Barcaro U., Magrini M., Paradisi P.
The research aimed at a quantitative description of the changes in REM-sleep microstructure throughout the night. For this purpose, sleep recordings available on the public "PhysioNet" website were analyzed from a chronobiological perspective. This approach was suggested by the fact that two important properties of REM sleep determine its microstructure: the alternation between phasic and tonic microstates, and the presence of Slow Eye Movements in addition to Rapid Eye Movements. Although the examined recordings did not include data about dreams, a significant result of our analyses was the close similarity between the observed highly statistically significant changes in the microstructure and changes in basic dream features that are amply reported in the literature, including recall, word count, vividness and emotional content.Source: International journal of dream research 16 (2023). doi:10.11588/ijodr.2023.1.84936
DOI: 10.11588/ijodr.2023.1.84936

See at: journals.ub.uni-heidelberg.de Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | doi.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2023 Contribution to book Restricted
Event-based complexity in turbulence
Paradisi P., Cesari R.
Since the studies of Kolmogorov and Oboukhov in 1941, the problem of in- termittent large velocity excursions was recognized to be one of the most intriguing and elusive aspects of turbulent flows. While many efforts were devoted since 1960s to the magnitude intermittency, related to the statistics of the large increments in the tur- bulent signals, the attention towards the so-called clustering intermittency has started to increase only in the last two decades, even if some pioneering studies were carried in previous years. The low attention towards the clustering intermittency is somewhat surprising, as intermittency itself is essentially defined as an alternance of extended qui- escent periods/regions and short/small high activity periods/zones. It is then natural to characterize intermittency by means of events marked along the dependent variable axes, whatever time or space. Conversely, the concept of crucial events and of temporal complexity, related to non-trivial clustering properties of these same events, has been proposed as a general interpretative framework for the investigation of complex systems with metastable self-organizing dynamics. Without any claim to being complete, in this chapter we give a review of event-based complexity approaches used in literature for the description of turbulence in the plane- tary boundary layer. The main goal is to put a first bridge between turbulence studies exploiting event-based complexity approaches, such as clustering exponents and classi- cal Oboukhov intermittency exponents, and studies about intermittent complex systems, where concepts and ideas developed in the fields of non-equilibrium statistical physics, probability theory and dynamical system theory are jointly exploited.Source: Paolo Grigolini and 50 Years of Statistical Physics, edited by Bruce J. West, Simone Bianco, pp. 199–277, 2023

See at: www.cambridgescholars.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2022 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Anomalous diffusion originated by two Markovian hopping-trap mechanisms
Vitali S., Paradisi P., Pagnini G.
We show through intensive simulations that the paradigmatic features of anomalous diffusion are indeed the features of a (continuous-time) random walk driven by two different Markovian hopping-trap mechanisms. If p (0, 1/2) and 1 - p are the probabilities of occurrence of each Markovian mechanism, then the anomalousness parameter ? (0, 1) results to be ? ? 1 - 1/{1 + log[(1 - p)/p]}. Ensemble and single-particle observables of this model have been studied and they match the main characteristics of anomalous diffusion as they are typically measured in living systems. In particular, the celebrated transition of the walker's distribution from exponential to stretched-exponential and finally to Gaussian distribution is displayed by including also the Brownian yet non-Gaussian interval.Source: Journal of physics. A, Mathematical and theoretical (Print) 55 (2022). doi:10.1088/1751-8121/ac677f
DOI: 10.1088/1751-8121/ac677f
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2204.06276

See at: arXiv.org e-Print Archive Open Access | Journal of Physics A Mathematical and Theoretical Open Access | iopscience.iop.org Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | doi.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2022 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Synchronization between music dynamics and heart rhythm is modulated by the musician's emotional involvement: a single case study
Sebastiani L., Mastorci F., Magrini M., Paradisi P., Pingitore A.
In this study we evaluated heart rate variability (HRV) changes in a pianist, playing in a laboratory, to investigate whether HRV changes are guided by music temporal features or by technical difficulty and/or subjective factors (e.g., experienced effort). The pianist was equipped with a wearable telemetry device for ECG recording during the execution of 4 classical and 5 jazz pieces. From ECG we derived the RR intervals series (tachogram), and, for each piece, analyzed HRV in the time (RR, RMSSD, Stress Index) and frequency domains (Total spectral power) and performed non-linear analysis (Multiscale Entropy). We also studied the correlation (Pearson) between the time course of music volume envelope and tachogram. Results showed a general reduction of parasympathetic and an increase of sympathetic activity, with the greatest changes during the classical pieces execution, the pianist appraised as more demanding than the jazz ones. The most marked changes occurred during the most technically/emotionally demanding piece, and correlation analysis revealed a negative association between music volume envelope time course and tachogram only for this piece, suggesting a modulation of the limbic system on the synchronization between heart rhythm and music temporal features. Classical music was also associated with the increase of entropy (1st scale) with respect to rest, indicating its effectiveness in driving flexible, healthy, heart dynamics. In conclusion, HRV seems modulated not only by the music temporal features, but also by the pianist's emotional involvement, which is greatly influenced, in a non-trivial manner, by the technical demands and musician expertise.Source: Frontiers in Psychology 13 (2022). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.908488
DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.908488

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | www.frontiersin.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2022 Report Open Access OPEN
SI-Lab annual research report 2021
Righi M., Leone G. R., Carboni A., Caudai C., Colantonio S., Kuruoglu E. E., Leporini B., Magrini M., Paradisi P., Pascali M. A., Pieri G., Reggiannini M., Salerno E., Scozzari A., Tonazzini A., Fusco G., Galesi G., Martinelli M., Pardini F., Tampucci M., Berti A., Bruno A., Buongiorno R., Carloni G., Conti F., Germanese D., Ignesti G., Matarese F., Omrani A., Pachetti E., Papini O., Benassi A., Bertini G., Coltelli P., Tarabella L., Straface S., Salvetti O., Moroni D.
The Signal & Images Laboratory is an interdisciplinary research group in computer vision, signal analysis, intelligent vision systems and multimedia data understanding. It is part of the Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI) of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR). This report accounts for the research activities of the Signal and Images Laboratory of the Institute of Information Science and Technologies during the year 2021.Source: ISTI Annual reports, 2022
DOI: 10.32079/isti-ar-2022/003

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2021 Report Open Access OPEN
SI-Lab Annual Research Report 2020
Leone G. R., Righi M., Carboni A., Caudai C., Colantonio S., Kuruoglu E. E., Leporini B., Magrini M., Paradisi P., Pascali M. A., Pieri G., Reggiannini M., Salerno E., Scozzari A., Tonazzini A., Fusco G., Galesi G., Martinelli M., Pardini F., Tampucci M., Buongiorno R., Bruno A., Germanese D., Matarese F., Coscetti S., Coltelli P., Jalil B., Benassi A., Bertini G., Salvetti O., Moroni D.
The Signal & Images Laboratory (http://si.isti.cnr.it/) is an interdisciplinary research group in computer vision, signal analysis, smart vision systems and multimedia data understanding. It is part of the Institute for Information Science and Technologies of the National Research Council of Italy. This report accounts for the research activities of the Signal and Images Laboratory of the Institute of Information Science and Technologies during the year 2020.Source: ISTI Annual Report, ISTI-2021-AR/001, pp.1–38, 2021
DOI: 10.32079/isti-ar-2021/001

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2021 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Online communication and body language
Paradisi P., Raglianti M., Sebastiani L.
The COVID-19 emergency brought out the role of online digital technologies. The increase in online social interactivity was accelerated by social distancing, which has been recognized to have adverse effects due to physical and emotional isolation (Canet-Juric et al., 2020). Body language is central to social interactions, and its role is clearly diminished when going online, but the relevance of this change is still not clear. This transition toward online could affect the wellness of the people, especially the population with specific fragilities, e.g., young people and seniors (Beam and Kim, 2020; Canet-Juric et al., 2020; Fernández Cruz et al., 2020). We here briefly present our viewpoint on some issues concerning changes in body interactions in online interpersonal communication. Our aim is to encourage constructive discussion and raise awareness about these very topical issues.Source: Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 15 (2021). doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2021.709365
DOI: 10.3389/fnbeh.2021.709365

See at: Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2021 Contribution to book Open Access OPEN
Fractional diffusion and medium heterogeneity: the case of the continuous time random walk
Sposini V., Vitali S., Paradisi P., Pagnini G.
In this contribution, we show that fractional diffusion emerges from a simple Markovian Gaussian random walk when the medium displays a power-law heterogeneity. Within the framework of the continuous-time random walk, the heterogeneity of the medium is represented by the selection, at any jump, of a different time-scale for an exponential survival probability. The resulting process is a non-Markovian non-Gaussian random walk. In particular, for a power-law distribution of the time scales, the resulting random walk corresponds to a time-fractional diffusion process. We relate the power-law of the medium heterogeneity to the fractional-order of the diffusion. This relation provides an interpretation and an estimation of the fractional order of derivation in terms of environmental heterogeneity. The results are supported by simulations.Source: Nonlocal and Fractional Operators, edited by Beghin L., Mainardi F., Garrappa R., pp. 275–286, 2021
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-69236-0_14

See at: bird.bcamath.org Open Access | BCAM's Institutional Repository Data Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | link.springer.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2020 Contribution to conference Open Access OPEN
Augmented reality and intelligent systems in Industry 4.0
Benassi A., Carboni A., Colantonio S., Coscetti S., Germanese D., Jalil B., Leone R., Magnavacca J., Magrini M., Martinelli M., Matarese F., Moroni D., Paradisi P., Pardini F., Pascali M., Pieri G., Reggiannini M., Righi M., Salvetti O., Tampucci M.
Augmented reality and intelligent systems in Industry 4.0 - Presentazione ARTESSource: ARTES, 12/11/2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4277713
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4277712

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2020 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Pilot study on music-heart entrainment in a pianist during a live performance
Sebastiani L., Magrini M., Orsini P., Mastorci F., Pingitore A., Paradisi P.
Entrainment between music features and heart rhythms have been reported but, to date, evidence in support of music-heart synchronization are still inconsistent. We studied the possible music-heart entrainment in a skilled pianist during a live performance before an audience. We recorded ECG before and during the concert. We derived the beat-to-beat RR time series and analyzed heart rate variability in the time domain and with non linear analysis, to evaluate the autonomic changes associated with 4 different music pieces. Results indicated an autonomic modulation specific for each piece and the decrease and increase of parasympathetic and sympathetic tone across the whole session. Also, for each music piece, analysis of correlation between the music envelope and the RR series revealed a negative correlation which could be the expression of the entrainment of music on heart rhythm.Source: 11th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations: Computation and Modelling in Physiology: New Challenges and Opportunities (ESGCO 2020), pp. 1–2, Pisa, 15 July 2020
DOI: 10.1109/esgco49734.2020.9158149

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | doi.org Restricted | ieeexplore.ieee.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2019 Journal article Open Access OPEN
A Hypothesis about parallelism vs. seriality in dreams
Barcaro U., Paradisi P., Sebastiani L.
The process of dream building implies the construction of a complex network of closely interrelated sources. On the other hand, the dream experience develops as a succession of events. In this paper a hypothesis is advanced about how the psycho-physiological system of dream building, which is distributed, acts to provide a serial output. This hypothesis is basically connected with the property, enjoyed by the dream experience, of simultaneously representing a plurality of meanings.Source: Frontiers in Psychology 10 (2019): 2299-1–2299-4. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02299
DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02299

See at: BCAM's Institutional Repository Data Open Access | Frontiers in Psychology Open Access | Recolector de Ciencia Abierta, RECOLECTA Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | Frontiers in Psychology Open Access | www.frontiersin.org Open Access | Frontiers in Psychology Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2019 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Gaussian processes in complex media: new vistas on anomalous diffusion
Di Tullio F., Paradisi P., Spigler R., Pagnini G.
Normal or Brownian diffusion is historically identified by the linear growth in time of the variance and by a Gaussian shape of the displacement distribution. Processes departing from the at least one of the above conditions defines anomalous diffusion, thus a nonlinear growth in time of the variance and/or a non-Gaussian displacement distribution. Motivated by the idea that anomalous diffusion emerges from standard diffusion when it occurs in a complex medium, we discuss a number of anomalous diffusion models for strongly heterogeneous systems. These models are based on Gaussian processes and characterized by a population of scales, population that takes into account the medium heterogeneity. In particular, we discuss diffusion processes whose probability density function solves space- and time-fractional diffusion equations through a proper population of time-scales or a proper population of length-scales. The considered modeling approaches are: the continuous time random walk, the generalized gray Brownian motion, and the time-subordinated process. The results show that the same fractional diffusion follows from different populations when different Gaussian processes are considered. The different populations have the common feature of a large spreading in the scale values, related to power-law decay in the distribution of population itself. This suggests the key role of medium properties, embodied in the population of scales, in the determination of the proper stochastic process underlying the given heterogeneous medium.Source: Frontiers in Physics 7 (2019): 123-1–123-11. doi:10.3389/fphy.2019.00123
DOI: 10.3389/fphy.2019.00123

See at: Frontiers in Physics Open Access | Recolector de Ciencia Abierta, RECOLECTA Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | DOAJ-Articles Open Access | www.frontiersin.org Open Access | Frontiers in Physics Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2019 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Finite-energy Levy-type motion through heterogeneous ensemble of Brownian particles
Sliusarenko O. Y., Vitali S., Sposini V., Paradisi P., Chechkin A., Castellani G., Pagnini G.
Complex systems are known to display anomalous diffusion, whose signature is a space/time scaling x similar to t(delta) with delta not equal 1/2 in the probability density function (PDF). Anomalous diffusion can emerge jointly with both Gaussian, e.g. fractional Brownian motion, and power-law decaying distributions, e.g. Levy Flights or Levy Walks (LWs). Levy flights get anomalous scaling, but, being jumps of any size allowed even at short times, have infinite position variance, infinite energy and discontinuous paths. LWs, which are based on random trapping events, overcome these limitations: they resemble a Levy-type power-law distribution that is truncated in the large displacement range and have finite moments, finite energy and, even with discontinuous velocity, they are continuous. However, LWs do not take into account the role of strong heterogeneity in many complex systems, such as biological transport in the crowded cell environment. In this work we propose and discuss a model describing a heterogeneous ensemble of Brownian particles (HEBP). Velocity of each single particle obeys a standard underdamped Langevin equation for the velocity, with linear friction term and additive Gaussian noise. Each particle is characterized by its own relaxation time and velocity diffusivity. We show that, for proper distributions of relaxation time and velocity diffusivity, the HEBP resembles some LW statistical features, in particular power-law decaying PDF, long-range correlations and anomalous diffusion, at the same time keeping finite position moments and finite energy. The main differences between the HEBP model and two different LWs are investigated, finding that, even when both velocity and position PDFs are similar, they differ in four main aspects: (i) LWs are biscaling, while HEBP is monoscaling; (ii) a transition from anomalous (delta = 1/2) to normal (delta = 1/2) diffusion in the long-time regime is seen in the HEBP and not in LWs; (iii) the power-law index of the position PDF and the space/time diffusion scaling are independent in the HEBP, while they both depend on the scaling of the interevent time PDF in LWs; (iv) at variance with LWs, our HEBP model obeys a fluctuation-dissipation theorem.Source: Journal of physics. A, Mathematical and theoretical (Print) 52 (2019). doi:10.1088/1751-8121/aafe90
DOI: 10.1088/1751-8121/aafe90

See at: arXiv.org e-Print Archive Open Access | Journal of Physics A Mathematical and Theoretical Open Access | BCAM's Institutional Repository Data Open Access | Recolector de Ciencia Abierta, RECOLECTA Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | Archivio istituzionale della ricerca - Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna Restricted | iopscience.iop.org Restricted | Publikationsserver der Universität Potsdam Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2018 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Langevin equation in complex media and anomalous diffusion
Vitali S., Sposini V., Sliusarenko O., Paradisi P., Castellani G., Pagnini G.
The problem of biological motion is a very intriguing and topical issue. Many efforts are being focused on the development of novel modelling approaches for the description of anomalous diffusion in biological systems, such as the very complex and heterogeneous cell environment. Nevertheless, many questions are still open, such as the joint manifestation of statistical features in agreement with different models that can also be somewhat alternative to each other, e.g. continuous time random walk and fractional Brownian motion. To overcome these limitations, we propose a stochastic diffusion model with additive noise and linear friction force (linear Langevin equation), thus involving the explicit modelling of velocity dynamics. The complexity of the medium is parametrized via a population of intensity parameters (relaxation time and diffusivity of velocity), thus introducing an additional randomness, in addition to white noise, in the particle's dynamics. We prove that, for proper distributions of these parameters, we can get both Gaussian anomalous diffusion, fractional diffusion and its generalizations.Source: Journal of the Royal Society interface (Print) 15 (2018). doi:10.1098/rsif.2018.0282
DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2018.0282
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.1806.11508

See at: arXiv.org e-Print Archive Open Access | Journal of The Royal Society Interface Open Access | Recolector de Ciencia Abierta, RECOLECTA Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | royalsocietypublishing.org Open Access | Journal of The Royal Society Interface Open Access | Journal of The Royal Society Interface Restricted | doi.org Restricted | Archivio istituzionale della ricerca - Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna Restricted | Publikationsserver der Universität Potsdam Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2018 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Centre-of-mass like superposition of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes: A pathway to non-autonomous stochastic differential equations and to fractional diffusion
D'Ovidio M., Vitali S., Sposini V., Sliusarenko O., Paradisi P., Castellani G., Pagnini G.
We consider an ensemble of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes featuring a population of relaxation times and a population of noise amplitudes that characterize the heterogeneity of the ensemble. We show that the centre-of-mass like variable corresponding to this ensemble is statistically equivalent to a process driven by a non-autonomous stochastic differential equation with time-dependent drift and a white noise. In particular, the time scaling and the density function of such variable are driven by the population of timescales and of noise amplitudes, respectively. Moreover, we show that this variable is equivalent in distribution to a randomly-scaled Gaussian process, i.e., a process built by the product of a Gaussian process times a non-negative independent random variable. This last result establishes a connection with the so-called generalized grey Brownian motion and suggests application to model fractional anomalous diffusion in biological systems.Source: Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis (Print) 21 (2018): 1420–1435. doi:10.1515/fca-2018-0074
DOI: 10.1515/fca-2018-0074
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.1806.11351

See at: arXiv.org e-Print Archive Open Access | Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis Open Access | Archivio della ricerca- Università di Roma La Sapienza Open Access | Recolector de Ciencia Abierta, RECOLECTA Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis Restricted | doi.org Restricted | Archivio istituzionale della ricerca - Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna Restricted | www.degruyter.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2017 Contribution to book Open Access OPEN
A low cost, portable device for breath analysis and self-monitoring, the Wize sniffer
Germanese D., Righi M., Benassi A., D'Acunto M., Leone R., Magrini M., Paradisi P., Puppi D., Salvetti O.
Here we describe the implementation of the first prototype of the Wize Sniffer 1.x (WS 1.x), a low cost, portable electronic device for breath analysis. The device is being developed in the framework of the Collaborative European Project SEMEOTICONS (SEMEiotic Oriented Technology for Individuals CardiOmetabolic risk self-assessmeNt and Self-monitoring). In the frame of SEMEOTICONS project, the Wize Sniffer will help the user monitor his/her state of health, in particular giving feedbacks about those noxious habits for cardio-metabolic risk, such as alcohol intake and smoking. The low cost and compactness of the device allows for a daily screening that, even if without a real diagnostic meaning, could represent a pre-monitoring, useful for an optimal selection of more sophisticated and standard medical analysis.Source: Applications in Electronics Pervading Industry, Environment and Society, edited by Alessandro De Gloria, pp. 51–57. CH-6330 Cham (ZG): Springer International Publishing, 2017
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-47913-2_7
Project(s): SEMEOTICONS via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | doi.org Restricted | link.springer.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2017 Contribution to book Open Access OPEN
Intermittency-driven complexity in the brain: towards a general-purpose event detection algorithm
Paradisi P., Righi M., Barcaro U., Salvetti O., Virgillito A., Carboncini M. C., Sebastiani L.
In this work we first discuss a well-known theoretical framework for the analysis and modeling of self-organized structures in complex systems. These self-organized states are metastable and rapid transition events mark the passages between self-organization and background or between two different self-organized states. Thus, our approach focuses on characterizing and modeling the complex system as a intermittent point process describing the sequence of transition events. Complexity is usually associated with the emergence of a renewal point process with power-law distributed inter-event times, hence the term fractal intermittency. This point process drives the self-organizing behavior of the complex system, a condition denoted here as intermittency-driven complexity. In order to find the underlying intermittent birth-death process of selforganization, we introduce and discuss a preliminary version of an algorithm for the detection of transition events in human electroencephalograms. As the sequence of transition events is known, the complexity of the intermittent point process can be investigated by applying an algorithm for the scaling analysis of diffusion processes driven by the intermittent process itself. The method is briefly illustrated by discussing some preliminary analyses carried out on real electroencephalograms.Source: , pp. 108–118, 2017

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2017 Contribution to book Open Access OPEN
Intermittency-driven complexity in signal processing
Paradisi P., Allegrini P.
In this chapter, we rst discuss the main motivations that are causing an increasing interest of many research elds and the interdisciplinary eort of many research groups towards the new paradigm of complexity. Then, without claiming to include all possible complex systems, which is much beyond the cope of this review, we introduce a possible denition of complexity. Along this line, we also introduce our particular approach to the analysis and modeling of complex systems. This is based on the ubiquitous observation of metastability of self-organization, which triggers the emergence of intermittent events with fractal statistics. This condition, named fractal intermittency, is the signature of a particular class of complexity here referred to as Intermittency-Driven Complexity (IDC) . Limiting to the IDC framework, we give a survey of some recently developed statistical tools for the analysis of complex behavior in multi-component systems and we review recent applications to real data, especially in the eld of human physiology. Finally, we give a brief discussion about the role of complexity paradigm in human health and wellness.Source: Complexity and Nonlinearity in Cardiovascular Signals, edited by Barbieri R.; Scilingo E.; Valenza G., pp. 161–195. London: Springer, 2017
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-58709-7_6

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | doi.org Restricted | link.springer.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA